Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Clean Heart

Heavenly Father,

I thank you for the privilege to come and bring our praises and requests before you.  Thank you for your Mercy and continued loving kindness.  Thank you for your patience as I fall and you patiently wait till I stand up again.  Thank you for not going anywhere when I do fall. 

I pray that you would create in us a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit in us, as you promise us in Your Word.  I ask that you use our steadfast spirits for your Glory.  Help us to keep our eyes up above, not on our circumstances or those around us.

I pray that You would unite and strengthen the bonds of the ladies at WFBC.  Help us to radiate Your love to each other and those around us.  Give us the discipline to be faithful in prayer for each other and our church.

I praise You for a beautiful day today and Your creativity and graciousness in creating such a beautiful world for us.

In Your name I pray,